This is the first experiment in programming websites with Jekyll and GitHub Pages

The procedure used for creating this website is as follows:

  1. jekyll new ga_blog (or whatever) Create jekyll site 1.1 bundle exec jekyll serve (to create a localhost jekyll server to test content)
    • http://localhost:4000
    • ctrl-C to exit server
  2. cd ga_blog
  3. modify _config.yml (nano _config.yml)
    • add to baseurl “ga_blog” (for custom hosting replace this value with your full custom url here)
    • and save
  4. Create repository on github with the name of your site folder. In this case its ga_blog
    • DON’T iniitialize the site on github. Just create it.
    • note the url in the github start new repository site:
  5. git init
  6. git checkout -b gh-pages
  7. git status (to list the files to be pushed up to gh-pages branch)
  8. git add . (period means all files)
  9. git commit -m “initial commit”
  10. git remote add origin (from the github repository create page)
  11. git push origin gh-pages (note for me, it asked for my username and password. I am using 2fa so I had to create a new token (an app password aws it were for this to work)
  12. Confirm on github gh-pages branch has the files you just pushed up.
  13. go to the gh-pages branch and click on settings and scroll down to
    • GitHub Pages
    • GitHub Pages is designed to host your personal, organization, or project pages from a GitHub repository.
    • Your site is published at
    • Confirm website is active on github under your username. Cool.
  14. After making website changes:
    • git add . (or got add
    • git commit -m “optional comment”
    • git push origin gh-pages